
The Grand Return from the Long Exile

"During the twenty years of Odysseus' absence, the people of Ithaca retained many recollections of him but never felt nostalgia for him. Whereas Odysseus did suffer nostalgia, and remembered almost nothing... for memory to function well, it needs constant practice: if recollections are not evoked again and again, in conversations with friends, they go... The stronger their nostalgia, the emptier of recollections it becomes. The more Odysseus languished, the more he forgot. For nostalgia does not heighten memory's activity, it does not awaken recollections; it suffices unto itself, unto its own feelings, so fully absorbed is it by its suffering and nothing else."
- Ignorance, Milan Kundera


人家說這是Reverse Cultural Shock:離開了再回來,從前認識的不會再是老樣子。以前覺得學校是個快樂的大家庭,路人甲乙丙也會從容的打招呼。如今,卻往往為人與人之間的疏離感到莫名的心寒。說甚麼Community,其實不過是很多很多獨立的個體。除了真的很熟很熟的朋友外,你離開的時間做過了甚麼,根本沒有甚麼人會關心。當你興高采烈地準備述說在墨西哥碰上的社會運動,或是在紐西蘭學到的民謠之時,得到的反應往往是「Really? That's Cool!... How do you like your new classes this semester?」說甚麼分享國際視野留學經驗,有時不免感到心灰意冷。我想也對的,我們已經有太多事要裝載,腦袋裡何來空間再消化事不關己的故事?

學校不同了。原來兩年來我一直生活在我想像中的W&L裡,現在的Re-Entry叫我看到太多幻想的破滅:原來真的有種族隔膜,原來這兒的Greek Culture真的這麼霸道,原來有些同學的思想真的這麼膚淺...跟一個剛從西藏回來的女孩子談過,她說,不知道自己為甚麼會參加Sorority:她回來後的第一個Sorority Meeting中,一班女孩子聚著研究怎麼樣的金髮女孩才有資格成為她們的新「姊妹」,怎樣才能維持Sorority 的淑女形象。那一刻,她有點想吐的感覺。


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Which professor did you talk to ar?
And people always like that ga la....ask you about something, and before you can even tell them the answer, they switch to either talking about their own things or something totally off-topic.
I'd rather them not ask lor.
Anyway, add oil ah~!