
In the Shadows of White Columns....

Concert的尾聲,一如既往以校歌作結。四年來唸口簧跟著唱時關心的是那一個位高音要注意,那一段小心不要太大聲。今日的我歷經數十次Concert,校歌的旋律早已刻印腦海。首次細味歌詞,這才發覺,原來那一字一句都似跟我說話。白色的圓柱底下,我們渡過了多少無憂無慮的時光。教堂的鐘聲,叮叮噹噹的宣告了無數燦爛的早晨。鐘聲在長廊的迴響,此刻是多麼理所當然。We sense in these brief moments, the strength within these walls. 一年後吧,The shadows of white columns將要變成回憶。每天在Colonnade跑來跑去,原來是種奢移。

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you still have "school song". great.

Recently I am kinda busy like you for my dissertation. My wisdom teeth pain has almost been over, though there is still a little sore.

I hope your GRE is fine. I may take it next year summer (in HK there is only one diet each year in August).

As for postgraduate studies, are you applying Chicago? Good luck. Please let me know if there are any news.

Add me on "tommycwtsang@hotmail.com" if you have MSN.